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Trevor Byrd






Taste for 3 nights and find out!

Trevor Byrd

Known Status


  • Chicago 2024
  • Vegas 2024

Character Bio

Trevor Byrd is one of three loyal followers of Atycivix, following her from city to city to see her desires manifest. A fever to his dedication, a blood bond seems likely. Said to be as quick with his tongue as he is with a blade, Trevor is a Toreador of intense desire and quick to indulge vice. Eager to find himself in Camarilla courts after extensive travel abroad, Trevor likes to make the most of civilized Domains when given the chance.


In my home games I play very slow burn characters. For one shots and event games I try to roll the dice and play big.

Trevor Byrd is one of three loyal followers of Atycivix, following her from city to city to see her desires manifest. A fever to his dedication, a blood bond seems likely. Said to be as quick with his tongue as he is with a blade, Trevor is a Toreador of intense desire and quick to indulge vice. Eager to find himself in Camarilla courts after extensive travel abroad, Trevor likes to make the most of civilized Domains when given the chance.
This user account status is Approved

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